(Tringa neularia)

Length:  30-35 cm Common migrant, occasionally seen at LKCC

It is one of the most widely dispersed of Australian migratory waders frequenting coastal mud flats, estuaries, river edges and inland flood plains. It breeds around northern Eurasia just below the Arctic Circle.

The Common Greenshank stands erect, with a conspicuous white rump and a ringing alarm call. It does not flock like other waders and is dispersed in ones and twos. It is active and excitable when foraging for insects, crustaceans, worms, fish and molluscs.

It is very wary and its flight is fast with clipped wing beats. Greenshanks come south in late August and return to their Eurasian breeding grounds in April. Previous partners often re-pair. After ardent displays of wing-waving, goose-stepping and bowing from the male the pair mate. The nest is a scrape in the ground lined with plant leaves. Eggs: 3 to 4; glossy pale buff to red ochre.