(Phylidonyris Novaehollandiae)

Length:  17-19 cm Common

All honeyeaters are important pollinators vital to native flora. Around 100 species including melaleuca, banksia and dryandra depend on these birds for their continued existence. Pollen is spread as they plunder the flowers for nectar.

The New Holland Honeyeater is an attractive bird, mainly black and white with a large yellow wing patch and yellow down the side of the tail. Commonly found in coastal woodland and thickets near water courses also suburban gardens especially those planted with native species.

Very active birds, often feed in groups in a flowering tree or shrub where a cacophony of chirps and tweets can be heard as they forage amongst the blossoms. As nectar does not contain protein honeyeaters much supplement their diet with spiders and crickets rich in protein.

In Western Australia the New Holland Honeyeaters have been observed to breed once annually from July to November when there is an abundant supply of nectar. A substantial nest is made of grass and bark and built in dense foliage. A clutch of 2- 3 eggs is laid and both sexes feed the chicks.