(Cecropis Nigricans)

Length:  13 cm Common

Throughout Australia where suitable habitats exist. Mostly seen on the wing. Upper body is blue-black with a white breast and a conspicuous white rump. There is a reddish spot on the forehead above a very short beak, the throat is streaked with black. The tail is shallowly forked.

Open woodlands. Arrives in southern Australia in flocks during August and departs around the end of March. Usually in flocks the species is common in the interior as well as coastal areas, particularly those areas studded with tall and spreading trees. It feeds on flying insects which are caught on the wing.

Usually the nest is in hollow trees or cliffs and is lined with dead leaves and dry grass. Mud may be used to narrow the entry. It generally has 4 or 5 eggs which are creamy white and occasionally with flecks of reddish brown. Breeding season is August to January.