Eucalyptus rudis

Location:  By the ladies tee at the commencement of the 3rd hole

Other locations on course: There is a group at the 8th hole near the ladies tee.

There are numerous flooded gums around the margin of the lake between the 11th tee and the 15th green.

Distribution: Southwest of Western Australia from north of Geraldton to Albany, mainly along watercourses and in higher rainfall areas.
Height:  to 20 metres.
Uses:  Remediation of salt affected areas.

‘Rudis’ is Greek for rough or uncultured and refers to the rough bark of this tree.

The species is very closely related to the river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) which is the most widely distributed eucalypt in Australia. Hybridisation occurs between the two species.

Mistletoe (Genus Viscum) is present on the branches of a tree partly seen in the left of photograph. This is a hemi parasitic plant.  Its evergreen leaves do some photosynthesis. Mistletoe uses the host to supply water and minerals. The seeds are very sticky and are spread by bird droppings. ‘Mistel’ is an old Anglo Saxon word for ‘dung’.

“As the twig is bent the tree inclines”  (Virgil)